The GWP Kunststofflabor is an institute of the Gesellschaft für Materialprüfung mbH, which specializes in laboratory and expert services for the plastics processing industry.

Our competent and experienced team of laboratory specialists and plastics experts as well as damage analysts will be pleased to answer your questions and provide you with advice and assistance.

Chemical analysis of plastics regarding polymer type, additive and filler content, fiber content, moisture, viscosity and other parameters.

Determination of the mechanical characteristics such as tensile strength, notch impact work, hardness or bending behavior.

Testing the resistance of the plastic surface to various chemical media or mechanical influences such as abrasion or stone chipping.

The environmental simulation allows the influence of light, temperature, humidity or salt mist on plastics to be reproduced in the laboratory.

Fire tests to classify the flammability of plastics and to determine the burning rate of components.

Effects of UV radiation, oxygen and moisture as well as heat and changing mechanical stress.

Checking the optics. Color and gloss measurements. Assessments of changes due to chemical and physical influences.

The sun simulation allows the influence of UV radiation and temperature on plastics to be simulated in the laboratory.


New notched pendulum

The materials testing in the plastics laboratory is expanded to include another notched-bar impact pendulum. It is primarily used to test printed plastic samples.

New UL94

Our new UL 94 combustion chamber enables the fire behavior of plastics to be tested for the classification of flame resistance and fire safety.

pollutant analysis

The (GC) expands the analysis portfolio of the GWP plastics laboratory. Coupled with highly sensitive flame ionization detection (FID), the combination GC-FID allows the detection and quantification of trace-level organic compounds. The new possibilities thus allow, for example, the investigation of aging and the boiling range of lubricating greases, the quantification of plasticizers and pollutants in plastics and the determination of organic contamination.

Prüfung von Automotiv   Interieur ​

Automotive testing interior

Well-known car manufacturers and suppliers rely on the test results of the GWP plastics laboratory. Various requirements are placed on interior components. For example, requirements for fire behavior, color fastness or media and scratch resistance play a role. instrument panels, airbag coversMittelkonsolen, Türverkleidungen
oder Schalter  –  bevor diese und ähnliche Komponenten verbaut werden, testen wir diese nach internationale Prüfnormen oder den gängige Normen der OEMs.

In unseren UWS Laboren unterziehen wir Ihre Muster auf entsprechenden Testanlagen den geforderten Prüfungen. Ob Klimaprüfungen, Sonnensimulation, Brennbarkeitstest, Cremebeständigkeit, Reibfestigkeit oder Farb- und Glanzmessungen.


Was „kostet“ Korrosion?

Es wird derzeit (2025) viel über den Finanzierungsbedarf für die Verteidigung gesprochen. Dabei werden enorme Summen von 2-5% des jeweiligen Bruttoinlandsprodukts genannt. Doch wussten

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