Compression test
This test corresponds to a tensile test with a reversed force direction. It is used to determine the material behavior of brittle materials. For example cast iron and ceramic. The compression behavior of foam materials can also be characterized.
In the experiment, a cylindrical sample is pressed uniformly. The increase in the force is measured and related to the cross-section.
Compression test of plastics
The compression test is a classical way to assess the material behavior of materials under external uniaxial acting compressive stress, which is is distributed evenly over the sample cross section. With fiber-reinforced plastics, the compression test plays an important role in comparison to the tensile test. The characteristic values analog to the tensile test are determined.
DIN EN ISO 604,DIN ISO 7743, DIN EN ISO 844, DIN EN ISO 3386, ASTM D 695, DIN EN 2850, ASTM D 5467, DIN 65380, DIN 65375
Compression test on metals
On a material testing machine, a compression test is subjected to a slowly increasing compression force and loaded until it breaks or cracks. The compression test according to DIN 50106 is often used for brittle metals such as cast iron or hardened steel which burst into several large pieces during the test.
Tough materials such as unhardened steel are deformed into a barrel-shaped structure until the specimen shows a crack.
Standards: DIN 50106