Energetic Materials: monitoring of field parts
The condition of parts still in use ("in the field") can be assessed through the targeted and comprehensive examination of safety equipment obtained from field use. This significantly improves the information base for risk-based decision-making on product recalls. GWP already provides expert advice during the planning of field parts monitoring projects and, as a full-service analytical provider, is also in a position to carry out the investigations.
GWP has proven the applicability and usefulness of this approach in connection with the Takata recall.
A monitoring project provides decision-makers with a powerful tool for risk assessment and for making serious decisions, e.g. in the case of partial recalls.
The objective of field parts monitoring is to obtain a realistic picture of the condition of the parts in use ("field parts") in order to be able to make a statement about their operational reliability.
In contrast to service life prognoses, in which an uncertain condition is created by environmental simulation and the duration until the comparable condition is reached in the field is estimated, field parts monitoring is a descriptive procedure. By comparing forecast data and measured data on field parts, a very accurate and comprehensive situation picture can be obtained.
During the conception of the monitoring project, measurable parameters are defined by which the condition of the field parts can be assessed.
Possible parameters are pressure curves in can pressure tests, pressure curves in the gas generator interior, burnup rates and pressure-dependent integrals of the burnup rate in closed-vessel tests or other physico-chemical variables of the propellant charge.