Building materials
Metal sheets, plastics, bitumen, wood, bricks, adhesive, screws, insulation, colors ... many different materials are used in construction applications. Our laboratory services work with all these materials, and provide reliable assessments about product quality. We provide accredited test methods as well as individually developed methods.
Litigation, experts and homeowners use our damage assessments for the pinpointing the technical root cause of cracks, water damage, corrosion, foil failure, discoloration and much more. The remaining service life can be estimated in many cases.
GWP is a material-science-complete-supplier and the experts for all relevant materials as well as their processes are all united in our company; therefore we can enlighten even complex damages with extensive investigations. Subjects covered include: why is stainless steel rusting?, titanium zinc-white rust, bitumen delamination, snow intrusion in roofs, brick fractures due to construction defects, slipping of bitumen sheets, elucidation of the water origin in the case of water damage (especially rainfall vs. tap water by isotope determination), crush resistance, bonding quality of adhesion, steam diffusion ability, adhesive suitability, shattering of foils, hail damage to metal sheets & foils, phosphate cement deterioration…