Dr. Fabian Schmidt

Phone: +49 8106 9941 33

Email: fabian.schmidt@gwp.eu

fire test

Flammability and burning behavior according to international standards

The GWP fire laboratory offers comprehensive Fire tests for the evaluation of flammability, reaction to fire and heat resistance of materials. With the most modern fire chambers we test after national and international standardsas DIN 75200, FMVSS 302 and UL94.

Our fire tests at national and international test centres are ideal for classification of flammability of plastics and for Determination of the burn rate of components. We test materials that are used in safety-relevant areas such as Automotive industry, Electronics and Aviation .

  • flammability tests to DIN 75200 and FMVSS 302 for vehicle materials
  • UL94-Tests for the classification of flammability of plastics
  • measurement of burn rate and heat resistance for safety-relevant applications

Fire behavior of components, building materials and entire vehicles

GWP uses large fire test sites and test benches in Leoben and Linz and works closely with the IBS Institute for Fire Protection Technology and Safety Research. In these facilities, extensive fire tests can be carried out, particularly testing the fire resistance of large components. These tests include tests on large-format components, complete vehicles, batteries and building materials. In addition to fire behavior, valuable information is obtained on smoke development and burning droplets from the materials, which are crucial for assessing safety.

Our laboratory services in the fire laboratory

laboratory equipment in the fire laboratory

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The GWP Plastics Laboratory

All services related to plastics such as analysis, material testing, fire tests, environmental simulation as well as surface testing and damage analysis can be found in the GWP plastics laboratory